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I accept just seen this, don't look if the sight of a starving dog upset you

(42 Posts)

Shinamae Thu 10-Mar-22 xviii:04:19

I really have no words except that their sentences are far,far as well lenient 😓

Anniebach Thu 10-Mar-22 xviii:09:09

Promise they have a life ban on owning any animal

sodapop Thu 10-Mar-22 eighteen:59:23

I saw that too Shinamae dreadful people. The lurcher looks a completely unlike domestic dog now give thanks goodness.
Yes Anniebach they were given a lifetime ban on keeping whatever pets.

Blondiescot Thu x-Mar-22 19:04:43

It's practiced that they have been banned from keeping pets for a lifetime - that should be automatic in any cases of animal cruelty. Shame they weren't given longer jail sentences though. I would brand them suffer the same mode they made that poor dog suffer.

Iam64 Thu x-Mar-22 xix:42:30

That'southward only awful, poor niggling canis familiaris. I'k all for alternatives to custody but not for violence. The treatment of theory defenceless domestic dog is unforgivable. Dangerous people. I hope they don't take children.

Pantglas2 Thu 10-Mar-22 19:44:thirteen

I saw the movie and headline but couldn't go farther....

AGAA4 Thu ten-Mar-22 xix:49:42

I did look and it did upset me. How can anyone starve a defenceless animal? At that place are some very brutal people in this world.

Urmstongran Thu x-Mar-22 nineteen:58:13

It upset me. But happily I did read to the cease of the article.
The lurcher in question was rescued and honestly is now the film of health. Looks similar a dissimilar (happy) dog to be honest.

Such cruel owners. Beggars belief how some minds operate.

Callistemon21 Thu 10-Mar-22 xx:29:30

Cruel couple are jailed for 12 weeks

It should have been 12 years.
God help any children this evil pair may have.

MayBee70 Thu ten-Mar-22 20:34:28

We followed Tiggys story right from the beginning every bit the animal rescue that looked afterward her is merely up the route from our vets. It's amazing how they nursed her back to health. It's beyond me how anyone can exist so barbarous.

Zoejory Thu 10-Mar-22 20:36:00

I do promise they have a truly miserable time in prison.

And I concord, Callistemon21, 12 years is a far better sentence.

Callistemon21 Thu 10-Mar-22 20:36:38

Iam64 Thu 10-Mar-22 20:53:08

Aforementioned here Callistemon. Enjoying the shepherds. My young canis familiaris has been watching but he's comatose now

Coastpath Thu x-Mar-22 xx:53:37

This makes me so angry. It is so piece of cake to look later a canis familiaris - just some food, honey, warmth, the odd trip to the vet and in return you become and then much beloved, devotion and fun. You tin can get canis familiaris food from the food bank for sky'southward sake.

How anyone can go near their life knowing that an animal in their care is hungry or suffering is utterly beyond me.

I'yard so happy that Tiggy is well and going to a loving habitation.

Callistemon21 Thu ten-Mar-22 twenty:58:54

You tin get dog food from the nutrient bank for sky's sake.
They await well fed themselves.

Simply sheer deliberate cruelty.

love0c Fri xi-Mar-22 07:29:21

Are those ii even human being?? 12 weeks?!

Whitewavemark2 Fri 11-Mar-22 07:41:31

Compassion nosotros haven't got a flick of the recovered dog to cheer us up.

Jaxjacky Friday eleven-Mar-22 08:21:24

Non a very good one but..

Whitewavemark2 Fri 11-Mar-22 08:24:57

Iam64 Fri 11-Mar-22 08:39:42

Shelflife Fri eleven-Mar-22 08:42:35

Hard to believe how anyone can be so barbarous. Makes me wonder what else this couple are capable of!! Good to learn Tiggy is now recovered and happy.

Germanshepherdsmum Fri 11-Mar-22 09:11:04

I really don't understand how anyone can treat an brute and then appallingly. Presumably they were stuffing their faces whilst it starved. How could they? I'm so pleased that he was saved and brought back to health.

HowVeryDareYou Friday 11-Mar-22 ten:12:23

I can't empathise how apparently normal people can go about their twenty-four hour period-to-day lives - working, cooking dinner, seeing friends, etc., all the while knowing that they haven't fed their pet for days/weeks. People like this vile pair demand to go to prison house for years, and they should take limited rations of food whilst in there.

MissAdventure Fri 11-Mar-22 10:14:14

Pair of absolute scumbags!! angry
I'd spit in their food if I was in prison house with them.
Disgusting, foul, lowlifes.

JaneJudge Fri eleven-Mar-22 10:fifteen:22

why exercise people exercise this? I really do not sympathize.

No one is forced to keep a pet, so why become one and do something similar this? It just does not make sense